This code handles the reading and processing of VTK files from PERSEUS (a magnetohydrodynamics (MHD) code). It provides functionality to combine tiled VTK files, convert between structured/unstructured grids, and extract vector field components.
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import pyvista as pv
import os
Original Functions:
- combine_tiles()
- unstructured_to_structured()
- get_mesh_subset()
Author: James Young (github: badwolfend)
Additional Functions & Documentation:
- string_to_array()
- Documentation and comments
Author: Cole Jerum (github: CJerum)
# Independent Variables
run_path = r'./Resistivity_Tests/data' # path to the directory containing the VTK files
time_analyze = 32 # timestep you want to analyze
def combine_tiles(time, run_dir):
"""Combines VTK tiles into a single grid."""
time_str = f'{time:04d}'
vtk_files = [os.path.join(run_dir, vtk_file)
for vtk_file in os.listdir(run_dir)
if vtk_file.endswith(time_str+'.vtr')]
tiles = [ for vtk_file in vtk_files]
combined_grid = tiles[0].copy()
for tile in tiles[1:]:
combined_grid = combined_grid.merge(tile)
return combined_grid
def unstructured_to_structured(grid, variable_name):
"""Converts unstructured grid to structured grid."""
x_coords = np.unique(grid.points[:, 0])
y_coords = np.unique(grid.points[:, 1])
z_coords = np.unique(grid.points[:, 2])
X, Y, Z = np.meshgrid(x_coords, y_coords, z_coords, indexing='ij')
structured_grid = pv.StructuredGrid(X, Y, Z)
structured_grid_with_data = structured_grid.sample(grid)
return structured_grid_with_data
def get_mesh_subset(mesh, nxr, nzr, var):
"""Extracts a subset of the mesh."""
nxrange = np.arange(nxr[0], nxr[1])
nzrange = np.arange(nzr[0], nzr[1])
data = mesh.point_data[var]
nx, nz, nu = mesh.dimensions
Fy = np.zeros((nzr[1]-nzr[0], nxr[1]-nxr[0]))
is_vector = len(data.shape) > 1 and data.shape[1] > 1
for zi in nzrange:
for xi in nxrange:
if is_vector:
value = data[(zi * nx) + xi, 0]
value = data[(zi * nx) + xi]
Fy[zi-nzr[0], xi-nxr[0]] = float(value)
return Fy
def string_to_array(str_var):
"""Converts a variable string to numpy arrays of its components."""
str_var = str(str_var)
mesh = combine_tiles(time_analyze, run_path)
current_mesh = unstructured_to_structured(mesh, str_var)
nx, nz, nu = current_mesh.dimensions
var = current_mesh.point_data[str_var]
if len(var.shape) > 1 and var.shape[1] == 3:
ndimensions = 3
var_x, var_y, var_z = var[:, 0], var[:, 1], var[:, 2]
str_var_x = f"{str_var}_x"
str_var_y = f"{str_var}_y"
str_var_z = f"{str_var}_z"
current_mesh.point_data[str_var_x] = var_x
current_mesh.point_data[str_var_y] = var_y
current_mesh.point_data[str_var_z] = var_z
var_array_x = get_mesh_subset(current_mesh, [0,nx], [0,nz], str_var_x)
var_array_y = get_mesh_subset(current_mesh, [0,nx], [0,nz], str_var_y)
var_array_z = get_mesh_subset(current_mesh, [0,nx], [0,nz], str_var_z)
ndimensions = 1
var_array_x = get_mesh_subset(current_mesh, [0,nx], [0,nz], str_var)
var_array_y = np.zeros_like(var_array_x)
var_array_z = np.zeros_like(var_array_x)
return ndimensions, var_array_x, var_array_y, var_array_z
Documentation (HTML) formatted with assistance from Anthropic's Claude, an LLM